Jul 31, 2010
The Israelites Went to West Africa Part 1 of 4
Hebrews in West Africa: Josephus from his book The Great Roman-Jewish War: 66-70, where he writes about this Jewish dispersion and captivity. "General Vaspasian and his son Caesar Titus fought against the Jews. Millions of Jews fled into Africa, among other places, fleeing from Roman persecution and starvation during the siege."
Jul 29, 2010
Black PALESTINE In Israel
Ali Jiddah, a Black Palestinian leader acknowledges the ancestry of the so-called "African-American." For he says the following, "We are deeply rooted as Africans, as Palestinian Africans to this land...we know that our ancestors and I'm talking about thousands and thousands of years, who have been in this country but they were spread away, taken to Africa, from Africa to the United States."(Emphasis added) This is the only foreign black I have ever heard claim us, so-called "African-Americans" as kin, as their own. Much respect to Brother Ali Jiddah.
Jul 28, 2010
Jews in Africa

Jews in Africa
Part I - The Berbers and the Jews
Fact Paper 19-I
© Samuel Kurinsky, all rights reserved
Berbers and Jews, a Unique Relationship; The Historical Background
The Berbers were Northwest African tribes inhabiting an area known as the Barbary Coast. The former Barbary States now comprise the modern states of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The Berbers spoke variations of a Hamitic language, mainly Tuareg and Kabyle. The Tuaregs were nomadic Berber tribes ensconced along the trade routes across the Sahara desert. Other tribes settled near the coast.
Judaic presence in the continent of Africa can be said to go back to the Biblical sojourn of Abraham in the lush Nile Delta (Goshen), where Abraham, together with his entourage and herds of cattle awaited the passage of a drought in Canaan. It is also related in the Bible that the vizier to the Pharaoh, Joseph, summoned his family to join him in Egypt. Many Israelites followed, at first as settlers, and then as slaves captured in Canaan by the aptly characterized "Warrior Pharaohs."
After the states of Israel and Judah came into existence, Judaic traders traveled westward along the African coast with the voyagers of Tyre and Sidon, the Canaanite sea-farers referred to by the Greeks as the "Phoenicians." Jews composed a significant proportion of the major North African Canaanite settlement at Carthage (Kart Hadash, or "New City"), and Jewish presence has been well documented elsewhere along the coast during the Pre-Roman period. The Romans termed the Canaanite settlers the Peonicus Carthagenians, which in turn has been transcribed into the "Punic Peoples."
The Canaanite city-states of Utica and Carthage were ruled by a Soffut, akin to the Israelite shoffet, or judge. In Jews and Photography, George Gilbert notes that "in the Mellahs (the Jewish quarters) of Morocco it has long been legend that Jews settled in Northwest Africa even before the destruction of the second temple (586 BCE). In support of this belief one sees Hebrew inscriptions on tombstones in the Roman town of Volubilis (west of modern Fez)."1
Under the Ptolemaic Greeks (323-31 BCE), the Jews brought their technological, industrial and commercial expertise to Alexandria, one of the largest and economically important cities of antiquity. Judaic artisans, merchants and scholars composed some 40% of the population. They were organized into guilds with reserved sections in the synagogues. The tannaic scholar, Rabbi Judah, visited Alexandria and reported: "... they were seated there not in mixed order, but goldsmiths apart, silversmiths apart, and weavers apart, blacksmiths apart, coppersmiths apart, and weavers apart. So that when a poor [artisan] entered there, he recognized the members of his own craft and turned to them to find means for the maintenance of himself and his family."
Joseph ben Sirach (Ecclesiastus) writing during the Greek period at the end of the third century, describes the activity of Judaic artisans of his time in vivid poetry:
The maker of carving and cunning device,
Who by night as by day has no rest,
Who engraveth signet rings,
and whose art is to make the likeness true,
And his anxiety to compleyte the work,
So also the smith that sitteth by the furnace,
And regardeth his weighty vessels;
The flame of the fire cracketh his flesh,
And with the heat of his furnace he gloweth;
To the hammer’s sound he inclineth his ear,
And to the vessel’s pattern he directeth his eyes.
The Judaic artisans proudly wore distinctive badges of their particular trade. The tannaic scholar of the first century CE, Eleazer ben Azariah, said of the wearing of these badges, "There is something grand about artisanship; every artisan boasts of his trade, carrying boldly his badge on the street."
Judaic artisans continued to practice their trades in North Africa under the Romans. The Romans considered the manual trades base and inappropriate for themselves. It was none other than Emperor Hadrian Augustus who inadvertently complimented the industrious Jews of Alexandria in a report to his consul, Servianus; in placing them among the proletariat of the city he inadvertently credited them with being the skilled craftsmen of the city, and with the revolutionary process of glassblowing:
"[The Jews in Alexandria are] prosperous, rich and fruitful, and in it no one is idle. Some are blowers of glass, others makers of paper, all are at least weavers of linen or seem to belong to one craft or another; the lame have their occupations, the wounded have theirs, the blind have theirs, and not even those whose hands are crippled are idle."
Alexandria was, outside of Asia, the most populous Jewish center in the Diaspora. Philo estimated the number of Jews in Egypt to have reached the one million mark; Josephus had likewise numbered the population of Egypt as eight million, of which one million were Jews.
During the Ptolemaic period Judaic settlements spread across North Africa. In the Roman period they were a considerable part of the population of the large cities of Said and Memphis, east and south of Alexandria. They were likewise concentrated in seventeen cities west of Alexandria, a region called Cyrenaica, extending from modern-day Tobruk to Bengazi and Tripoli on the Libyan coast. The major towns of that region, Chersonesus, Cyrene, Ptolemais, Arsinoe, and Berenice had large contingents of Jews. This coastal region was vital to the round-the-Mediterranean voyagers of that era; it continued to be so for the next two thousand years. In the first century of the Common Era the total North African Jewish population approached two million in number.
The Judaic community of Cyrene was second only to Alexandria in importance. It had been settled by Alexander the Great with 40,000 Judaic soldiers and their families, and continued to expand in military and commercial importance as a Judaic garrison under the Romans. The second book of Maccabees was written by Jason of Cyrene; it served as an inspiration for many of the Jews of that city to join in the great Judaic rebellion of 66 C. E.
Judaic Rebellions in Africa
In the year 115 a race riot against the Jews took place by the Pagans and Greeks of the city of Cyrene. Usually, the Romans intervened to prevent the Jews from putting up a stiff defense. However, the Roman armies were then preoccupied with the resistance of the Jews in Babylonia (Parthia) to Emperor Trajan’s ambitious drive to place all of Mesopotamia under Roman rule. Almost no Roman soldiers were available in Cyrenaica to contain the riots or restrain the Jews, the regular army having been sent to Trajan’s aid. "Consequently, the Jews were able to fight back and to carry the battle into the places where the pagans resided. What is more, the Jews of the island of Cyprus, and those of Egypt joined in the fighting."2
The island of Cyprus enters the Judaic/African saga with the significant part the Cypriot Jews played in the succession of rebellions and resistance of the Jews against the Romans. Jews had been present in Cyprus far back into antiquity as traders accompanying the Sidonian and Tyrian seafarers. Then, "about 100 BCE, Jewish fishermen from the Judaic coast settled the island. Cyprus received many more Jews after the first Zealot rebellion, as thousands were sent by the Romans to slave in the copper mines.3
A Cypriot Jew, Barnabus, organized a rebellion against their Roman masters. He succeeded in arming the copper workers, Jews and Canaanites, "and secretly prepare them for insurrection. It was the Sabbath and the Jewish workers were given their customary day of rest. All was peaceful in the coastal towns, and the Jewish men were gathered in the synagogues for prayer as usual. Just as the sun went down on that Saturday night of June 19th, 117, the ram’s horn was blown. This was not a ritual observance, but the signal for a sudden and terrible civil war."4
The Jews wreaked revenge upon their oppressors in Cyrenaica. What had started as a race riot became a war. "The Jews of the three districts involved organized regular armies and took bloody revenge for all they observe to bear during the half century before. Trajan hurriedly sent Turbo, one of his generals, to restore order. Turbo’s soldiers were joined by the pagan population of the affected districts. They attacked the Jews, both the fighters and the peaceful population, more mercilessly than the Jews had attacked them. In the island of Cyprus every single Jew was killed, the total running into the thousands. A law was adopted never to permit a Jew to set foot on the island even if he were shipwrecked nearby. In Egypt and Cyrene the Jewish population was treated with almost equal ferocity. Thereafter the once flourishing Jewish community of Alexandria was definitely on the downgrade."5
The ignominy of having a rebellion almost succeed in destroying the Roman Empire led a Roman historian, Deo Cassius [LXVII, 32], 50 years after the event, to write a bitter, self-serving account of the Judaic victories. It was a rabid mixture of fact and fiction; intended to justify the atrocities wreaked upon the Jews for daring to challenge the rule of the Roman Emperor. The account included calumnies which lived on to haunt the Jews for centuries to come throughout Christendom.
"The Jews of the region of Cyrene," wrote Deo Cassius, "had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two from their heads downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators."
"In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt also they performed many similar deeds and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There likewise two hundred and forty thousand perished. For that reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon that island by force of the wind he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan."6
Thus, setting aside the obvious calumnies, we see that Cassius inadvertently documented the size of the Judaic community and the strength of the Judaic forces. The ferocity ascribed to the Jews was in fact practiced by the Romans, albeit cannibalism was not part of their extermination drive. In addition to the decimation of hundreds of thousands of Jews in Cyrenaica and Cyprus, the Jews of Egypt fell under the vindictive swords of the Romans.
"The aggadah, [Babylonian Talmud, Gittin, 57b] in its usual vivid fashion describes the greatness of the Egyptian Jewish community and the extent of the slaughter after the revolt: "[Hadrian, successor to Trajan] slaughtered in Egypt six hundred thousand and again six hundred thousand, twice as many as had gone forth from Egypt [at the time of the exodus]... so that the blood ran in the sea as far as Cyprus."7
Jews Move West
Blocked from escape to the east, many Jews found refuge to the west. The westward movement of the Jews from Egypt and Cyrenaica to the Barbary states was once again swelled by the expulsion of the Jews from Alexandria by Bishop Cyril in 414, and by recurrent Byzantine expulsions through the next few centuries.
The effect of each of the expulsions was short-lived. The Jews, uniquely the technologically advanced, literate, and commercially savvy element among the backward indigenous populations, remained crucial for the conduct of African industry and commerce. Economic difficulties resulting from successive expulsions led recurrently to liberalized policies and a new influx of Judaic artisans and traders. That the persecutions proved ineffective in obliterating Judaic presence is evidenced by the account of the subsequent conquering Arab general, ‘Amir ibn al-As, who reported that he found 40,000 tax-paying Jews resident in Alexandria alone, inferring the existence of a total Judaic population of several times that figure. The Arab general, stemming from a backward desert society, was likewise staggered to find 4000 "palaces," 4000 baths [!] and other visible evidence of a prosperous community within the city.8
Albeit the figures appear somewhat inflated, two facts are manifest from the Arab general’s report: The numbers of the Jewish community, and the high level of civilization encountered by the astonished Arab general. The confrontation of the primitive Arabs with the advanced science and technology of the Alexandrian Jews was repeated as the Arab armies crossed North Africa. Entering the arena as barbaric warriors, they eventually absorbed the attributes of an advanced civilization from the Jews.
Moroccan Muslim traditions relate that as the Arabs advanced, the Greeks evacuated the towns and cities. The Jews, however, stayed on, and their numbers were swelled by an influx of Jews from Syria and Egypt into the vacuum left by the Greeks.9
As a result of the Emperor Justinian’s intolerant policies in the sixth century, Jews were driven inland, and again found refuge among the hinterland Berber tribesmen. The Berbers not only welcomed the Jews, but eight of the tribes, impressed with the erudition and technological acumen of the Jews, disavowed their shamanistic, pagan concepts and adopted Judaism.
Judaic/Berber Alliance under Queen Kahena
Thus, in the year 694, when the rampaging Arab armies drove relentlessly westward along the Barbary Coast, the Jews found themselves allied with the Berbers against the invasion. The confederacy of Jewish Berber tribes rallied around the Jewish/Berber priestess Kahena. The Berbers crowned Kahena as queen, and accepted her as their military leader.
The story of Dehiyya al-Kahina malkat Afriqah (Queen of Africa) is told by Ibn Khaldun, in a literary biography in Hebrew by N. Sloushz. Khaldun’s rendition leans heavily on legendary sources, but Salo Baron notes that "Nevertheless this account is essentially confirmed and amplified in many significant details in the more recently published chronicle of an older Arab writer, ‘Ubaud ibn Salih ibn ‘Abd al-Halim."10
Khaldun’s chronicles about "this medieval version of the prophetess Deborah" hold that the priestess lived 127 years, and governed the tribe of Jeraua with the aid of her three sons for 65 years. Clearly an expansion of the truth, the historical kernel of the legends remains a classic of women’s participation in the resistance to tyranny, "as women sooth-sayers and tribal leaders in war and peace had long been known and poetically extolled even among the pre-Islamic Arabs."
Monroe Rosenthal and Isaac Mozeson paid tribute to many noteworthy women warriors in their book, Wars of the Jews, and report about Kahena that "The Berbers of the Aures mountains retain legends of her bravery. She was said to have been born to a poor Jewish family of cave-dwellers. A chieftain of a Judeo-Berber tribe terrorized her Aures mountain settlement and demanded Kahena as a wife. When she rejected him he slaughtered people of her village. She then gave herself to him, but, like the Biblical heroine, slew him with a nail to the skull on the wedding night."11
The Arab armies enriched themselves as they rampaged across Persia, Afghanistan and northern India to the east, and then in Egypt and Libya to the west. "The march of Islam had barely missed a step when, in 694, the Arab forces drove into Africa Minor. Expecting an easy sweep, the Moslems met fierce resistance in Barbary."12
The Berbers rallied around their queen, the Jewess, Kahena, swearing to follow her into battle against the invaders. The Judeo/Berber army was swelled by soldiers of the pagan Berber tribes after their king Kocilla was killed by the Arabs. Queen Kahena became truly the queen and military commander of all the Berbers!
"Lions of Africa and Judah," the queen would shout to her Berber troops, "show these Arabs that we will never be enslaved by Islam. Our beloved Africa will remain free. Let our slogan be the cry of the Zealots of old: Freedom or death."
Under their valiant queen, Northwest Africa was cleansed of Arab mercenaries. Commander Ukba, who had at one point broken through all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, was killed in a Berber ambush. His armies were pushed back in retreat to Kairwan, the new Moslem base in central Tunisia. "The arrogant Ukba had tried to intimidate the proud Berbers with force instead of patiently trying to convert them to Islam with face-saving diplomacy." 13 Queen Kahena’s skills were again tested in the second, more massive Arab invasion. A new Arab general, Hassan, had driven across North Africa with a fresh army of 40,000 horseman, and had taken Carthage from the Byzantine Greeks. Queen Kahena did not confront this massive force, but outflanked it by taking the city of Bagia from its Byzantine garrison. She roused the Christian population to join her forces in resistance to the Islamic invaders. When the Arab army laid siege to liberated Bagia, Kahena and her army streamed out of the city by secret passageways. They circled around to assault the enemy from behind a rocky prominence at Wadmini. The queen’s cavalries spent the night in the saddle, forcing the Arab horsemen to do likewise. The relentless pressure through the night took a toll on the on the travel-weary Arabs, who were not in their native environment and were disadvantaged by an ignorance of the terrain.
With the break of dawn, "the Berber cavalry attacked - spurred on by their fiery queen. The townspeople of Bagia, Greeks, Copts and Phoenicians, united and inspired by Queen Kahena, simultaneously marched out on foot at the Arabs’ rear. The Berbers charged with their rugged mountain ponies, while the Moslems countered with their swifter but more nervous Arabian stallions. A thousand Berber lances clashed with slashing Arab scimitars, as the impassioned Judeo-Berbers threw themselves at the fanatic Moslem Ishmaelites. The Arabs were completely routed. The main body of the army retreated as far as Gabes, while stragglers were driven into the wilderness where they perished."14
Under their triumphant queen’s command, the Berber armies liberated Carthage, and swept on across North Africa to free it from both the Byzantines and the Arabs. The local Christians hailed the queen as liberator from the Arabs, and the Judaic communities, who had suffered dreadfully under heavy Roman and Byzantine taxation, hailed her as their deliverer. Kahena’s armies swelled with Jewish volunteers from the numerous hill communities that dotted the ridges of the mountains. The Bishop of Bula Regia had flowers strewn along her path.
For the next five years, the coalition of the diverse local elements held firm, and the region enjoyed a peaceful period of freedom from foreign domination.
The wily Arab commander, Hassan Ibn Numan, learned through bitter experience that the dedicated armies under queen Kahena’s command were a formidable force. He set out on a classic "divide and conquer" diplomatic maneuver in preparation for another invasion. Noting Christian antipathy toward the Jews, he sent emissaries to the Christians, offering a carrot of proposed tolerance while playing on the latent fear and hostility toward the Jews.
The North African Christians were fearful of Visigothan conquest. They were susceptible to Hassan’s deceptive promises of autonomy, and their latent anti-Semitism proved more powerful than the peace and freedom they enjoyed under Judeo/Berber hegemony.
At the time, the Spanish Jews were suffering under Visigothan rule in Spain. The Visigoth kings instituted a antisemitic regimen at a succession of ecclesiastical councils at Toledo. They decreed forcible baptism, forbade circumcision and the observance of the Sabbath, festivals and rites. "Jews were flogged, executed and their property confiscated, were subjected to ruinous taxes, forbidden to trade, and, at times, dragged to the baptismal font."15
Hassan cunningly played upon the Judaic concern for their co-religionists suffering Visigothan oppression. He held out an olive branch to the Jews and proposed a joint Iberian invasion to rescue the Sephardic Jewish community from Visigothan tyranny. "Hassan’s seductive offer was actually first proposed by the Spanish Jews themselves. It was they who requested that the Arabs and the forces of Queen Kahena join to conquer the Iberian peninsula. The Spanish Jews were desperate for help in light of harsh new decrees that appropriated all their property, forbade them from all navigation and trade with Africa, prohibited all business with Christians, and required all converted Jews to eat non-kosher food in the presence of supervising clergy."16
The Judeo/Berbers were lulled into failing to mobilize for defense against the Arab army. Hassan ‘s new, fresh army of 60,000 troops, swept swiftly across the continent, this time unresisted and even sustained by the Christian communities in their path.
It soon became clear that Hassan had no intention of halting at Barbary’s borders. Unprepared, the Berber army was thrown into retreat. The queen, learning too late of the Arab perfidy, hastily mounted a counter-offensive. In desperation, the queen launched a scorched earth campaign in the path of the thundering Arab troops, burning fields, cutting down trees, and destroying dwellings to deny sustenance and booty to the invaders.
The queen’s plans were also frustrated by an enemy within her ranks. "Just as King Saul lost his kingdom upon sparing the Amelekite king, Queen Kahena lost hers when she spared the brave and handsome Khalid Ibn Yessid El Kaisi, a srikingly aristocratic youth among the captives."17
Khalid feigned to have become a loyal adopted member of Kahena’s own family. Secretly remaining a devoted Muslim, Khalid passed critical information to general Hassan about planned surprise attacks and ambushes. Thus armed, Hassan was able to prevail. Finally, probably concerned that his perfidy was about to be exposed, the trusted spy slipped out of the Berber camp, and was rewarded by Hassan with the position of deputy commander. Khalid’s intimate knowledge of Berber encampments, haunts and hideouts was a major factor in sealing the queen’s doom.
Unable to evade confrontation with the far more numerous forces under Hassan, "the two armies clashed head-on in a decisive battle at the ancient [Roman] amphitheater at Thysdrus, the modern town of El Jern. In the shadow of Rome’s former African glory, the fate of Barbary was decided. Arab historian Ibn Nuvairi records that the Berbers and the Jews fought like furies, and only the will of Allah allowed the Moslems to triumph. The remnants of the Berber force fled to the Aures mountains, with the queen’s guard at the rear. Her men begged her to flee to the safety of the Moroccan hinterlands, but Kahena preferred to remain with a handful of men holding a mountain pass against the onrushing Arabs. Like a true Zealot, she died with sword in hand.
The ignoble Hassan had her decapitated head sent back to the Arab Caliph, Abd el-Malik."18
The Jews and Berbers were given a choice: convert to Islam or die. Some 50,000 refused to convert and were massacred. The others opted for conversion.
Judaic/Berber Participation in the Islamic Conquest of Southern Iberia.
The converted Jews and Berbers became a significant part of the Arab forces which invaded Iberia. The commander of the joint Berber/Arab army which crossed the strait between Africa and Europe to conquer Spain in 711 CE was a Judeo/Berber convert said to have been one of the sons of Queen Kahena. His Arab name, Jibral-an-Tarik, became transcribed into the name of the fortress, Gibraltar, and the rock is referred to as Tarik’s rock.
Many African Jews entered conversion pragmatically, secretly continuing their faith as did the Marranos of a later period. The Iberian Jews consequently collaborated fully with the invaders. The pragmatism of the converted Jews proved advantageous to both the Arabs and the Iberian Jews. The Arabs were dependant on both the Berber convertees and the Iberian Jews for a successful invasion and thereafter for maintaining their hegemony over the conquered region of Iberia.
Arab chroniclers record that the conquerors entrusted the garrisoning of such important cities as Elvira, Seville, and Cordoba to the Jews while the invaders pressed on in hot pursuit of the fleeing Christian forces. One chronicler informs us that Malaga, which had no Jews, could not be garrisoned because no Jews resided in the city and the Christians had all fled!
The gates to the strategic city of Toledo were opened by Jews on a Palm Sunday when the Christians were attending church services. The imminence of the Arab attack had been anticipated, for the Visigothan grandees had already fled the city, and the archbishop had made tracks all the way to Rome.
"The Berber/Arab successes in Iberia were made possible only by the assistance and collaboration of both the Sephardim and the formerly Berber Jews. Once empowered, the primitive Berbers and Arabs, dependant on the industrial and commercial sagacity of the Jews for the continuation and growth of their societies and economies, instituted a period of tolerance. The Arabs absorbed the scholarly attributes of an advanced civilization. Many of the "Arab" philosophers, poets, mathematicians and scientists were converted Jews, or descendants of converted Jews. A new enlightened era for both Arabs and Jews was born.
Jews regained the right to practice their faith and the Jewish populations of North African towns soon burgeoned with new, vibrant Jewish communities.
"In Kairuwan and the province of Ifriqiya, the famous heir of the ancient Carthagenians-Semitic civilization, the Jews, reinforced by numerous arrivals from Egypt and Palestine, had a fully developed life at the time of the Fatimid rise to power (909). In fact... the enemies of the new dynasty asserted that it had much Jewish blood in its veins... During the tenth century the city of Kairuwan, glorified by the Arabs as one of the four gates to Paradise, embraced a large and prosperous Jewish community. The latter soon felt strong enough to throw off the tutelage of the eastern academies.... Fez.... became from its inception (808) a major center of Jewish culture."19
Likewise, the liberal policies of the new Berber rulers of Spain laid the foundation for "The Golden Age" of Sephardic Judaism.
1.George Gilbert, Jews in Photography; a Social History, 1996, p. 23.
2.Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1969, p. 180 .
3.Monroe Rosenthal and Isaac Mozeson, Wars of the Jews, Hippocrene Books, NY, 1990, p. 117.
4.Rosenthal and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 117-8
5.Solomon Grayzel, A History of the Jews, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1959, p. 180.
6.Translation of Cassius by Galbraith Welch in, North African Prelude, The First Seven Thousand Years, William Morrow and Company, pp. 141-2.
7.S.S.Safrai, "he Lands of the Diaspora, in A History of the Jewish People, ed. by H.H.Ben-Sasson, Harvard Un., 1976, p. 372.
8.Salo Wittmayer Baron, A Social and Religious History of the Jews, Vol. III, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1957, p. 71, quoting Eutichius, "Annales," in Petrologiae Cursus Completus, series Greca, CXI, 1107 ed. by Cheiko, II. 26; John of Nikiu, Chronique, CXVII, CXX,trans. by Zotenberg, pp. 449, 455.
9.Baron, Ibid., p. 90.
10.Baron, Ibid., p. 271, note 24. Baron also cites two other works by Slouschz, Travels in North Africa and Sefer ha-Massa’ot (Travelogue) and works by other authors too numerous to repeat here. Notable is a work by J. J. Williams, Hebrewisms of West Africa, documenting the ancient intrusion of Hebrew words and expressions into the Berber languages.
11.Monroe Rosenthal and Isaac Mozeson, Ibid., p.193.
12.Rosenberg and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 192.
13.Rosenberg and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 192.
14.Rosenberg and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 193-4.
15.Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, Harper & Row, 1988, p. 177.
16.Rosenberg and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 195.
17.Rosenberg and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 195.
18.Rosenberg and Mozeson, Ibid. P. 196.
19.Baron, Ibid., p. 107-8.
Photo Details: The Jewess, Kahena, Queen of the Berbers, leading the armies of the consolidated Berber tribes against the invading armies of the Arab mercenaries in the year 694. "Lions of Africa and Judah!" was said to have been her rallying cry, "show these Arabs that we will not be enslaved by Islam. Let our slogan be the cry of the Zealots of old; ‘Freedom or Death!’
Drawing by Keith Gunderson in Wars of the Jews, courtesy of Monro Rosenthal and Isaac Mozeson.
Source: http://www.hebrewhistory.info/factpapers/fp019-1_africa.htm
Editor's Note: Many scholars call the inhabitants of North Africa "Berbers." This is actually misleading and quite frankly racist. The Greeks and the Romans called the indigenous populations of North Africa "Berbers" which means "barbarians." This is rather ironic, like the pot calling the kettle black. Herodotus, however, called the natives by their rightful names, beginning from the glorious Egypt to the Atlantic, they are called: Adyrmachidae, Gilligammae, Asbytae, Nasamonians, Numidians, etc. I include this article for the sake of scholarship and documenation. Interestingly enough, Steven Jacobs in his book The Hebrew Heritage of Black Africa, relays that many white Jews, particularly the older ones, are secretly admitting that the original Jews were black!
Jul 27, 2010
"The Bible: How Readest Thou?"

It is one thing to read the Bible through,
Another thing to read to learn and do.
Some read it with design to learn to read,
But to the subject pay but little heed.
Some read it as their duty once a week,
But no instruction from the Bible seek;
While others read it with but little care,
With no regard to how they read, nor where.
Some read it as a history, to know
How people lived three thousand years ago.
Some read to bring themselves into repute,
By showing other how they can dispute;
While others read because their neighbours do,
To see how long ‘twill take to read it through.
Some read it for the wonders that are there,
How David killed a lion and a bear;
While others read it with uncommon care.
Hoping to find some contradictions there!
Some read as though it did not speak to them,
But to the people at Jerusalem.
One reads it as a book of mysteries,
And won’t believe the very thing he sees.
One reads with father’s specs upon his head,
And sees the thing just as his father said.
Some read to prove a pre-adopted creed,
Hence understand but little that they read;
For every passage in the book they bend,
To make it suit that all-important end!
Some people read, as I have often thought,
To teach the book instead of being taught,
And some there are who read it out of spite
I fear there are but few who read it right.
So many people in these latter days,
Have read the Bible in so many ways
That few can tell which system is the best,
For every party contradicts the rest!
But read it prayerfully, and you will see,
Although men contradict, God’s words agree.
For what the early Bible prophets wrote,
We find that Christ and his apostles quote:
So trust no creed that trembles to recall
What has been penned by one and verified by all.
-Author Unknown
Jul 26, 2010

"According to my understanding of this conference, there is a thesis which defines its nature and purpose. That thesis is: `The black religious experience should be included in the curriculums of all Christian theological seminaries." -Dr. Charles B. Copher
Adamo, David Tuesday. The Place of Africa and Africans in the Old Testament and its Environment. Ann Arbor: UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1986
Adamo, David Tuesday. Black Women in the Bible. n.p.: n.p., 1987.
Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah. The Destruction of Western Civilization, As Seen Through Islam, Christianity and Judaism. San Francisco: First African Arabian Press, 1982.
Ammi, Ben. God, The Black Man and Truth. Chicago: Communicators Press, 1982.
"Artists Portray a Black Christ." Ebony (April 1971).
Barashango, Ishakamusa. God, the Bible and the Black Man's Destiny: A Treasury of Biblical, Historical and Scientific Facts. Washington, D.C.: IVth Dynasty, 1982.
Barashango, Ishakamusa. Afrikan Genesis: Amazing Stories of Man's Beginning. Washington, D.C.: IVth Dynasty, 1991.
Ben-Jochannan, Yosef A.A. African Origins of the Major Western Religions. 1970; rpt. Baltimore: Black Classical Press, 1991.
Ben-Jochannan, Yosef A.A. A Chronology of the Bible: A Challenge to the Standard Version. New York: Alkebu-lan, 1973.
Ben-Jochannan, Yosef A.A. The Black Man's Religion, and Extracts and Comments from the Holy Black Bible. New York: Alkebu-lan, 1974.
Ben-Jochannan, Yosef A.A. We the Black Jews, Witness to the `White Jewish Race' Myth, 2 Vols. New York: Alkebu-lan, 1983.
Bennett, Robert A., Jr. "Africa and the Biblical Period." Harvard Theological Review 64 (1971): 483-500.
"BBB Interviews Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan" Black Books Bulletin 5, No. 4 (1977): 32-36
"BBB Interview Prince Asiel ben-Israel." Black Books Bulletin 5, No. 4 (1977): 38-41
Blyden, Edward Wilmot. Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race. London: W.B. Whittingham, 1888.
Boyd, Paul C. The African Origin of Christianity, Vol. 1: A Biblical and Historical Account. London: Karis Press, 1991.
Brown, Tony. "What Color is Jesus?" Herald-Despatch, 21 Dec 1989: A-4.
Clarke, John Henrik. "The Boy Who Painted Christ Black." Brothers and Sisters: Modern Stories by Black Americans. Edited by Arnold Adoff. New York: Dell, 1975: 44-62.
Cleage, Albert B., Jr. Black Christian Nationalism: New Directions for the Black Church. New York: William Morrow, 1972.
Clegg, Legrand H. II. "Was Jesus Christ Black?" Sepia (Dec 1980): 10-17.
Copher, Charles B. "The Black Man in the Biblical World." Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center 1, No. 2 (1974): 7-16.
Copher, Charles B. "Blacks and Jews in Historical Interaction: The Biblical/African Experience." Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center 3, No. 1 (1975): 9-16.
Copher, Charles B. "Egypt and Ethiopia in the Old Testament."
Nile Valley Civilizations: Proceedings of the Nile Valley Conference, Atlanta, Sept. 26-30. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1984: 163-78.
Copher, Charles B. "Three Thousand Years of Biblical Interpretation with Reference to Black Peoples." Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center 13, No. 2 (1986): 225-46.
Copher, Charles B. "Bible Characteristics, Events, Places and Images Remembered and Celebrated in Black Worship." Journal of Interdenominational Theological Center 14, Nos. 1-2 (1986-87): 75-86.
Copher, Charles B. Black Biblical Studies: An Anthology of Charles B. Copher (Biblical and Theological Issues on the Black Presence in the Bible). Chicago: Black Light Fellowship, 1993
Darkwah, Doris. "The Role of Africa in the Rise of Judaism." Black Books Bulletin 5, No. 4 (1977): 6-11.
Dillard, William Larue. Biblical Ancestry Voyage: Revealing Facts of Significant Black Characters. Foreword by O.C. Jones. Morristown: Aaron Press, 1989.
Drake, J.G. St. Clair. "The Black Experience in Medieval European Christendom." Section in Black Folk Here and There: An Essay in History and Anthropology, Vol. 2. Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, UCLA, 1990: 185-202.
Drake, J.G. St. Clair. "Blackness in the Christian Synthesis of Judaic and Greco-Roman Traditions." Section in Black Folk Here and There: An Essay in History and Anthropology, Vol. 2. Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, UCLA, 1990: 203-26.
Dunston, Alfred G., Jr. The Black Man in the Old Testament and its World. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co., 1974.
Felder, Cain Hope. Troubling Biblical Waters: Race, Class, and Family. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1989.
Finch, Charles S. Echoes of the Old Darkland: Themes from the African Eden. Decatur: Khenti, Inc., 1991.
Fuller, Hoyt W. "An Interview: The Original Hebrew Israelite Nation." Black World 24, No. 7 (1975): 62-85.
Hansberry, William Leo. "Historical Facts Challenge Notion that Christianity is the Religion of the West." Ebony (Jan 1965).
Hayne, Joseph Elias. The Negro in Sacred History, Or, Ham and His Immediate Descendants. Charleston: Hayne, 1887
Holly, Alonzo Potter. God and the Negro: Synopsis of God and the Negro of the Biblical Record or the Race of Ham. Foreword by William V. Tunnell. Nashville: National Baptist Publishing Board, 1937.
Hyman, Mark. Blacks Who Died for Jesus: A History Book. Philadelphia: Corrective Black History Books, 1983.
Jackson, John G. The African Origin of Christianity. Chicago: L. & P., 1981.
Jackson, John. G. "Egypt and Christianity." Egypt Revisited. Edited by Ivan Van Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1982: 65-80.
Jackson, John G. Was Jesus Christ A Negro? and The African Origin of the Myths and Legends of the Garden of Eden. Chicago: MASS, Inc., 1984.
Jackson, John G. Christianity Before Christ. Austin: American Atheist Press, 1985.
Johnson, John L. The Black Biblical Heritage: Four Thousand Years of Black Biblical History. Rev. ed. Nashville: Winston-Derek, 1993.
McCray, Walter Arthur. The Black Presence in the Bible: Discovering the Black and African Identity of Biblical Persons and Nations. Chicago: Black Light Fellowship, 1990.
McCray, Walter Arthur. The Black Presence in the Bible and the Table of Nations Genesis 10:1-32 with Emphasis on the Hamitic Genealogical Line from a Black Perspective. Chicago: Black Light Fellowship, 1990.
McKissic, William Dwight, Sr. Beyond Roots: In Search of Blacks in the Bible. Foreword by Anthony T. Evans. Wenoah, NJ: Renaissance Productions, 1990.
McKissic, William Dwight, Sr., and Anthony T. Evans. Beyond Roots II, If Anybody Ask You Who I Am: A Deeper Look at Blacks in the Bible. Foreword by Roland G. Hardy, Jr. Wenonah, NJ: Renaissance Productions, 1994.
Moseley, William. What Color Was Jesus? Introductions by Frank M. Reid III and Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Chicago: African American Images, 1987.
One-Hundred Amazing Facts on the African Presence in the Bible. Nashville: Winston-Derek, 1992.
Paris, Hilu. "Africa and the Bible." Appendix to Black Christian Nationalism: New Directions for the Black Church, Albert B. Cleage, Jr. New York: Morrow, 1972: 275-81.
Person-Lynn, Kwaku. "The Nicene Conference: Foundations of the Bible." Los Angeles Sentinel, 17 Jan 1991: A-8.
Person-Lynn, Kwaku. "Original Jews Were Black." Los Angeles Sentinel, 4 April 1991: A-8.
Poinsett, Alex. "The Quest for a Black Christ." Ebony (March 1969).
Rhoades, F.S. Black Characters and References of the Holy Bible. New York: Vantage Press, 1980.
Saakana, Amon Saba, ed. The Afrikan Origins of the Major World Religions. London: Karnak House, 1988.
Scobie, Edward. "African Popes." African Presence in Early Europe. Edited by Ivan Sertima. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 96-107.
Walsh, Martin de Porres. The Ancient Black Christians. San Francisco: Julian Richardson, 1969.
Watterman, Kathy Ann. "In Search of Black Characters in the Bible." Los Angeles Times, 28 Nov 1989: E11.
Watts, Daud Mailk. The Black Presence in the Lands of the Bible. Washington, D.C.: Afro-Vision, 1990.
Williams, Larry Obadele, and Moses L. Buie. Africans in Biblical Heritage and Historiography: A Research Source Guide. Atlanta: Ipet Isut, 1989.
Windsor, Rudolph R. From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews. New York: Exposition Press, 1969.
Copyright © 1998 Runoko Rashidi. All rights reserved.
Revised: November 04, 2000.
Source: http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/bible.html
Jul 21, 2010
The Siloam Inscription

The Siloam (Shiloach) inscription or Silwan inscription (in reference to Jerusalem neighborhood called Silwan) is a passage of inscribed text originally found in the Hezekiah tunnel (which feeds water from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam in East Jerusalem). The tunnel was discovered in 1838 by Edward Robinson (so Amihai Mazar, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible [1990] 484). The inscription records the construction of the tunnel in the 8th century BCE. It is among the oldest extant records of its kind written in Hebrew using the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. Traditionally identified as a "commemorative inscription", it has also been classified as a votive offering inscription...The Siloam inscription was discovered in the water tunnel built during the reign of Hezekiah, in the early 7th century BCE. The Siloam inscription is now preserved in the Archeological Museum of Istanbul, Turkey.
(Source: Wikipedia, Photo Source:www.specialtyinterests.net/siloam_inscription)
Color Photo (Source: University of Washington)

"It will be observed that the characters of the Siloam inscription are carefully and ornamentally written, though the ornamental writing nowhere interferes with the standard shape of the letter. The letters `bet, lambda, mem, nun, pe' are written with elegant double curves, as is the case with `kaf, mem, pe' in the modern Samaritan character. ... there was a tendency to add hooks to the end strokes of the letters ... just as we find them in the Siloam Zain and Sade." [E.J. Pilcher, `The Date of the Siloam Inscription' in PSBA, Vol. XIX, Jan-Dec 1897, p. 165-(178, 180)-182.; Simon B. Parker, Siloam Inscription Memorializes Engineering Achievement, July 1994, p. 36-38.]
Source: www.specialtyinterests.net/siloam_inscription...

Siloam Inscription (Enhanced Image)
Source: www.historian.net/siloam.htm
The Ekron (Tell Miqne) Inscription

Excavations in the temple complex at Tel Miqne in 1996 recovered a significant artifact for the corpus of Biblical archaeology, a dedicatory inscription of the seventh-century king of Ekron 'Akish. The inscription not only securely identifies the site, it gives a brief king-list of rulers of Ekron, fathers to sons: Ya'ir, Ada, Yasid, Padi, 'Akish. During the Iron Age, Ekron was a border city on the frontier contested between Philistia and the kingdom of Judah. (Source: Wikipedia)
The temple (which) Achish son of Padi son of Ysd son of `Ada' son of Ya'ir ruler of Ekron built for Pt[n]yh, his Lady. May she bless him and ke[e]p him*) and prolong his days and bless his [l]and." [translated by Aaron Demsky in BAR]
Compare Numbers 6:24: Hebr: `yevarekhekha YHWH veyishmerekha'; the title `sareqron', `Ruler of Ekron', is written without a word divider as is also the case in the phrase `bytdavid', `The House of David' in the Tel Dan Inscription.
Source: www.specialtyinterests.net/siloam_inscription...
Ekron Inscription courtesy of: www.specialtyinterests.net/siloam_inscription...
This is what the Israelites call "Lahashawan Qadash", literally "The Holy Tongue." Scholastically, it is called the Paleo-Script or the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. I will be introducing the vocalization of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet in an upcoming video series.
Jul 20, 2010
Hebrew Writing Samples
By Silas Rodriguez

This is a writing sample of Genesis 1:1-5.
Date: 12/28/09

Here is a close-up of this shot.

This is Genesis 1:4-6
Date completed: 12/29/09
Note: I started some of verse 7 on this page, as well. I completed the writing of Genesis chapter 1 on December 28, 2010 and completed it on March 10, 2010. It was a laborious but very profitable endeavour indeed. And mind you, I started studying Hebrew around late September of 2009. All praises to the Most High for being able to learn the Hebrew language.

Here is a close-up of this shot.

This is Genesis 2:1-3
Start Date: 6/18/10
End Date for this page: 6/24/10

This is Genesis 4-most of verse 5.
The first mention of the Holy Name of YHVH appears in Gen. 2:4.
Date finished: 6/28/10

Here is a close-up of this shot of Gen. 2:4.

After taking a hiatus from writing biblical Hebrew, I decided to return to this meditative exercise of writing the AlephBeit to awaken and restructure the mind and heart to write again. Hebrew truly is the Beautiful Language of God.
Written on 6/8/10

Another writing of the AlephBeit with the numerical values from 1-400, along with the Shema (Deut.6:4) written without the vowelization of the consonants.
Written on 7/1/10

This is a writing sample of Genesis 1:1-5.
Date: 12/28/09

Here is a close-up of this shot.

This is Genesis 1:4-6
Date completed: 12/29/09
Note: I started some of verse 7 on this page, as well. I completed the writing of Genesis chapter 1 on December 28, 2010 and completed it on March 10, 2010. It was a laborious but very profitable endeavour indeed. And mind you, I started studying Hebrew around late September of 2009. All praises to the Most High for being able to learn the Hebrew language.

Here is a close-up of this shot.

This is Genesis 2:1-3
Start Date: 6/18/10
End Date for this page: 6/24/10

This is Genesis 4-most of verse 5.
The first mention of the Holy Name of YHVH appears in Gen. 2:4.
Date finished: 6/28/10

Here is a close-up of this shot of Gen. 2:4.

After taking a hiatus from writing biblical Hebrew, I decided to return to this meditative exercise of writing the AlephBeit to awaken and restructure the mind and heart to write again. Hebrew truly is the Beautiful Language of God.
Written on 6/8/10

Another writing of the AlephBeit with the numerical values from 1-400, along with the Shema (Deut.6:4) written without the vowelization of the consonants.
Written on 7/1/10
Jul 19, 2010
Israelites in West Africa

The man seated is an Ashanti Levite. The Ashanti claim they are the dispersed descendants of the biblical inhabitants of Ashan.(Josh. 19:7 & 1Ch. 6:59)
by Joseph J. Williams, S.J.
Biblo and Tannen Publishers
p.82, Ashanti Ambassadors.

Notice his head cover, and especially his breastplate necklace.
The breastplate contains twelve jewels, three are arranged across in four horizontal rows. This is exactly according to the Breastplate designed for the High Priest of Israel.(Exodus 28:15-27)
And, although any Israelite may wear a head cover; Israelite Priests "must" wear head covers (a.k.a. bonnets) when on duty (ref. Ex. 28:40 & Ex. 39:28).
Jul 15, 2010
Why Hebrew?

...Because it's the essence of who I am. Before my ancestors were Muslims, Christians or any other religion...or even "Africans" or "Hispanics", they were Hebrew Israelites who later became Jews. My people do not come out of Africa, in the modern sense of the term and conception, but from Palestine itself. God has opened my eyes to this truth. I could not have reached this conclusion any other way. (Ezek. 37:12-14) I know this a bold assertion that will not gain any traction in mainstream circles neither will it fit into the one-dimensional and kaleidoscopic "racial" groupings contrived by the lovely "powers-that-be." This very declaration will bring about an isolation from many: family, friends, and foes alike...but the world must know who the "People of the Book" are. Ironically the "People of the Book" designation was given to the Yahudim (Jews) by the Muslims.
The following scholarly passage got me really thinking about my Hebrew roots in a physical, ancestral sense of the word.
"These facts have peculiar significance when the presence of Judaism among American Negroes is to be considered. Hundreds of thousands of slaves were brought to America from this Western Africa during the days of the traffic, beginning nearly four hundred years ago." The author also shares: “How much more of Judaism survived among West African Negroes in that earlier time? As persecuted communities, they were rather more in danger than other Negroes of being raided by war parties and sold as slaves. It may be considered certain that many partially Judaized Negroes were among the slaves in America.(emphasis added) How many of them might still hold some Jewish customs here is another question." (Godbey, p. 246)
by Dr. Allen H. Godbey
Duke University Press, 1930
p. 246
Further research affirms this to be proof positive. Quite honestly, I was not seeking this understanding. The revelation came when I started undertaking, at least in my own estimation, an unbiased and comprehensive study of world history. I didn't find it, I believe it found me through the illumination of God's Spirit. These conclusions were not popular then and neither are they now. They are for a future time. (Jer. 50:4-5) What is presented here is too explosive for this present life, but yet I feel an obligation to share it anyway.
I have a renewed interest and burden for my Israelite brethren, mistakenly called "African-Americans." I share the burden of the apostle Paul: "For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises;
Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen." (Romans 9:3-5)
I am neither a legalist nor an exclusionist. I believe that Christ fulfilled the Law. He did not do away with it but fufilled it (Read the Letter to the Hebrews in its entirety), thus making me free from sin and the rudiments of this world to serve Him, and I also believe that the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is open to all men, regardless of national origin, creed, or other societal category. (Read the Gospel accounts and the Book of Acts in their entirety).
About the Photo:
This is Aleph. It is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Hebrew letters also have numerical values from 1-400. The numerical value for Aleph is 1. Aleph like the number 1 represents God. God is essentially one in essence, purpose, and expression. (Deut 6:4; John 10:30)
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