Sep 6, 2010


Of all subjects worthy of research, history is by far the most beneficial. Having knowledge of one’s past not only allows you to have a framework or point of reference, but also explains why present situations exist today. In other words, the past causes the present. History then, provides the only material available to study the human condition. It explains the factors that cause changes around us today.

When we gain knowledge of our past, it leaves an impression on our minds. This is more than just mere representation, but also has the power to inspire and direct us. When we discover ourselves, it provides a social and cultural context. Without clarification in our minds, of our origin, we cannot understand our current role in the world or the problems that are particular to us as a people.

More than just a collection of names, dates and dead things, history is a living, omnipresent thing. It is part of our everyday lives.

For black people, whether conscious or unaware, educated or misled, the events of the past subliminally has an effect on our lives. Just as a tree can not grow without roots, a people will not grow, without knowledge of their past. They will stagnate in a continual cycle of mistakes, unable to learn from previous experiences.

Your history, heritage, customs, culture and language are the vital ingredients for a nation. These are the social cords that unite us as a people. Without these fundamental ingredients we can not function.


Photo: Moses parting the Red Sea

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