Jun 14, 2011

Sources Of Articles On African Hebrew Biblical Culture

Appendix 3
Sources Of Articles On African Hebrew Biblical Culture:

Here is a list of some of the best publications that either specialize in or have significant coverage of Ancient African-Edenic Hebrew Biblical Culture, which include Sermon, e-Book, Magazine, and Web-site Formats.

African Origins of the Major “Western Religions” by Yosef ben-Jochannan

Africans Wrote the Bible by M. Stewart (www.stewartsynopsis.com)

Archeology of the Land of the Bible: Volume One, by Amihai Mazar

Biblical Archeology Today: Palestine In Transition: The Emergence of Ancient Isreal (Sheffield, 1983) Miller, in Isrealite and Judean History, pp. 277-279 by D. N. Freedman and D. F. Graf, eds, pp. 34-46; idem,

Egypt – First Daughter of Africa by Stephen L. Williams, Sr. (Author of Black Heritage Bible Lessons Volume 1 & 2)

Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times by Donald Redford (Egyptologist)

Evidence of Black Africans in the Bible (Sermon) by Dan Rogers dated February 22 and
published on the Internet in 1998

From Chains to Freedom: “Journeying Toward Reconciliation”: 2007 Racial Justice Resource Kit – Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network

History Notes: Columbus Came Late - “The African Presence in Early America (before
Columbus) by Runoko Rashidi

History Notes: “The African Presence In Early Arabia” by Runoko Rashidi

History Notes: “The African Presence In The Ancient Far East” by Runoko Rashidi

History Notes: “The (Black) Moors In Europe” by Runoko Rashidi

How did all the different races' arise from Noah's family? (Sermon) by Dan Rogers, February 22, 1997. publ. Internet in 1998 (www.AnswersInGenesis.org/Home/Area/AnswersBook/race18.asp)

Identity: A “Christian Religion for White Racists” by Viola Larson (Previous Director of Apologetics Resource Center in Sacramento California & Graduate Student in History at California State University in Sacramento)

Jesus, Jews, The Bible and The Black Man: “A Selected Bibliography”, compiled by Runoko Rashidi. Dedicated To Dr. Charles Buchanan Copher. The Global African Presence

Jews in Africa Part 1: “The Berbers and the Jews” (Fact Paper 19-1) by Samuel Kurinsky

Jews in Africa Part 2: “Ancient Black African Relations” (Fact Paper 19-2) by Samuel Kurinsky

Jews in Africa Part 3: “Egypt, Elephantine Island, and the Jews” (Fact Paper 19-3) by Samuel Kurinsky

Jews in Africa Part 4: “The Islamic Diaspora” (Fact Paper) by Samuel Kurinsky

Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 101 (July 1998) 35-48; “The Influence of African Scholars in Biblical Studies: An Evaluation” by Nancy Heisy

Lecture Notes: Heroic Resistance - “The African Presence In Australia” by Runoko Rashidi

Lecture Notes: “The African Presence In India” by Runoko Rashidi
Me, Whom You Have Pierced – How to stop slaying your neighbor “in God's Name” - without abandoning your religion

One Race (www.AnswersInGenesis.org/Home/Area/OneBlood/chapter4.asp)

The Bible Unearthed: Archeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts by Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman

The Complete Works of Biblical Black History and Prophecy of the Races by James Warner Jr. (www.BlacksInTheBible.net)

The Emergence of Isreal in Canaan: Consensus, Mainstream and Dispute, SJ072 (1991) pp. 47-59

The Hidden Ones: “A Multimedia Exhibition” presented by Dr. AviMelech Ben Israel

The Nile Valley Civilization – and the Spread of the African Culture by Yosef ben-Jochannan

The Law Keepers: “The Hebrew/Israelites and the African Slave Trade – How Do the two
Relate?” By Chawviv ben Yisrael

The Lost Scriptures: “Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament” by Bart D. Ehrman (bart D. Ehrman is also the Author of “The Lost Christianities”)

The Present: “The Bible and South African Bible Theology” by Gerald West School of Theology, University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

The Seven Black Sons of Abraham by Stephen L. Williams, Sr.

The Tenth Generation by G. E. Mendenhall, BA 25 (1962), pp. 66-86; idem, Baltimore, 1973

The Tribes of Yahweh by N. K. Gottwald, VT Suppl. 28 (1975), pp. 89-110; idem, New York 1979

What is a (Black) Hebrew Israelite? Part 1 & Part 2 by Cohane Michael Ben Levi

Why African History? By John Henrik Clarke (January 1987) posted by Runoko Rashidi

Who were the Early Israelites? By William G. Dever (Archeologist)

Who were the Isrealites? By G. W. Ahlstrom: Winona Lake, Ind., 1986

Who wrote the Bible? By Richard Elliot Friedman

Copyright (c) 2005, 2007, Rev. Dr. Kelvin Brown: Etobicoke, Ontario M8V1P2 *All Rights Reserved15

URL Source: http://www.lulu.com/items/volume_52/782000/782372/1/preview/Preview_Sovereign_Truth_Revealed.pdf