Sep 17, 2010

History of Ancient Israel

EXILED ISRAELITE MUSICIANS: This relief is from Nineveh, approx. 678 b.c.e. Israelites were always noted for their musical talents. They improved on and created many of the musical instruments used today. These include wind instruments, string instruments, and all types of percussive instruments (ref. Psalm 150). Photo Source:

Patriarchal Period - The history of ancient Israel from Adam and Eve to the Egyptian bondage, this section covers the Patriarchs before and after the flood, the migration and population by the sons of Noah , the trip to Egypt, and the following enslavement.

Mosaic Period - This section covers Ancient Israel from Moses through Joshua, including the deliverance of the Israelites, and their Exodus out of Egypt, and the subsequent conquest of Canaan.

Period of the Judges - This covers the history of Israel contained in the books of Judges and 1 Samuel.

The Monarchy - Also called The United Kingdom. It was established under Saul, David, and Solomon, and was the Golden Era in all of ancient Israel. Israelite culture flourished like never before as they dominated the Promise Land.

The Divided Kingdom - This period in Ancient Israel follows the death of Solomon when the unified kingdom broke into 2 separate kingdoms. (Editor's insertion: These two separate kingdoms were Israel and Judah. Read 1 Kings, chapter 12, for the details.) This section of Israel history covers the break up, and the eventual Babylonian Captivity.

The Captivity - This is the first destruction of Ancient Israel and Jerusalem. Many Israelites were taken captive to Babylon.

Post Captivity - The Old Testament covers this part of the history of Israel in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, and the last of the minor prophets. It was during this period that a migration back to Israel took place. It was in this period of Ancient Israel history that the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt by Nehemiah.

The Use of Genealogies

Ancient Israel preserves its traditions through the use of genealogies. The history of Israel builds these genealogies in the old testament book of Genesis.

Genesis is the first book in the Bible, and tells the story of creation, as well as unfolding the history behind the creation of Israel.

An understanding of the Bible is critical when studying it in a historical perspective. Though not a history book, the Bible is one of the most ancient sources of history, providing names of Kings and cities once thought made up. Many of the names mentioned in Jewish literature have been proven to exist through archaeological finds.

In fact, not one archaeological finding has contradicted the Bible. It is a divinely inspired book, invaluable as a resource for the examination of God's relationship with man, from ancient Israel to the present.


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